Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Dog Days of Summer

I feel ya, Frodo!

Are you enjoying your summer? If so, fantastic! Me?  I loathe summer. Partially it’s because I live in the Southeast, where one could equate any parking lot in July to the edges of Mount Doom.

I totally relate to Frodo when he is about to throw the ring into the fire. I feel like that when I go to my mailbox, or really just step out my door.

Summer also has this “in limbo” feeling for children who are out of school. Sure, the first few weeks are great (No homework! Late bedtime! No classroom!) but once the novelty is gone summer becomes so tedious and boring.

But also, the summer allows for reflection and rejuvenation.

Most people take their vacations in the summer and return to work refreshed and more productive.

It’s similar in the “World of MUSE.” While we maintain a full and comprehensive schedule all year (and summer) long, the annual international conference is the main attraction. 

So, when the event is over, June is devoted to the wrapping up of conference-related details. July is typically when we regroup, prepare for the next year, and begin developing plans and strategies for the upcoming international conference, as well as other programs.

For example, the evaluations from the 2015 International MUSE Conference have now been reviewed, analyzed and summarized. This data is an important tool utilized to guide new initiatives, additions and changes to the way the conference and other events are produced. One area that offers useful feedback is the session rating.

Based on reviews from the attendee surveys these are the top sessions from the 2015 International MUSE Conference:

Medication Reconciliation in MEDITECH 6.0 - Melissa Balizan, Parkview Medical Center

The IN's and Out's of Transfer Routine - TJ Temple, Ozarks Medical Center

Top 10 Things You Should Know About 6.X Post Live Edits - Susie Paszkiewicz, Memorial Hospital

6.x Summit

READY or Not Here Comes 6.1 - Marcia Cheadle, Inland Northwest Health Services (INHS)

BMV and the Road to Success - Don Carpenter, St. Claire Regional Medical Center

ICD-10:  How to Update Your MEDITECH System - Marcia Cheadle, Inland Northwest Health Services (INHS)

6.1 Revenue Cycle - Brianna Eisenhaure, MEDITECH

Downtime Preparedness:  Ensuring Patient Care Continues During MEDITECH and/or Network Downtime - Justin Ryans, Laughlin Memorial Hospital

Meaningful Use Stage 3 – How You Can Succeed - Kay Jackson, Iatric Systems

CPOE:  Teaching the Teacher. “IT's” the Right Way! - Catherine McCartney, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Up with CPOE! Methods to Increase CPOE Utilization Among Providers - Jacquelyn Burrell, Harrison Memorial Hospital

The Joy of Dual Coding – Our Recipe for ICD-10 Preparedness - Kristen Conley, Eastern Connecticut Health Network

6.1 Critical Care:  Managing Your Critical Care Patients Just Got a Whole Lot Easier - Paul King, MEDITECH

EDM Trackers: Make the Tool Work for You - Kim Karn, Memorial Hospital

Discharge Routine Successes and Challenges - Greg Hartman, Avera Health

Leveraging Status Boards and Trackers for Meaningful Use - Mike McNamara, Consultant People

And here are some more highlights from the 2015 International MUSE Conference:

While July is typically a month of planning, many programs are in the works for you. Take a look at some of the activities coming your way.

The Joy of Dual Coding – Our Recipe for ICD-10 Preparedness, August 6

State Statistical Reporting from MEDITECH B/AR. August 7

Patient Engagement – The Complexity Behind the Buzzword, August 11

Medication Reconciliation in MEDITECH 6.0, August 12

Leveraging MEDITECH EMR with Secure Clinical Communications, August 25

CPOE: Teaching the Teacher. ‘IT’s’ the Right Way, August 26

Discharge Routine Successes and Challenges, September 21

You can register for any of these webinars here: MUSE Webinars.

Stay for announcements about upcoming Community Peer Group meetings, Online JAM sessions, The Executive Institute, and, of course, the 2016 International MUSE Conference.

Enjoy the remainder of your summer!

- Alicia

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

MUSE is Me!

Guest Poster:

Amber McGreevy, RN, BSN
Project Manager, Inpatient Applications, Information Services
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital
Valencia, California

As I have been trying to come up with just the right words to talk about my experience with MUSE, I continue to feel like I am falling short. But what I do want to say is that, to me, "MUSE" is "Motivating Us to Strive for Excellence" and "Me" is "Meaningful Education.” I have had the honor of attending the last two International MUSE Conferences, both in which, I feel so greatly enriched and inspired after, to continue growing, developing, learning, creating, and innovating. It is not only a place where you have the opportunity to learn, but also to network and meet others. In fact, I have continued to learn from my networking peer contacts, since my very first conference experience.

And, what made the 2014 conference so special - and one that I will never forget is that I was awarded as the International Education Exchange (IEE) grand prize. My presentation on the "The CPOE Journey" was extremely personal to me, and it was such an honor to have the opportunity to share our story overseas. I am so proud of what our team and department accomplished, and the support we received from our entire institution (Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital). I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to present in Liverpool, UK, and after that, my husband and I explored Paris and London for the first time. Now, I will say, that Paris has always been on my bucket list (as I admit, I'm a little obsessed with all things Paris!), but I never thought I would get there until I was retired. So, it was a great surprise that Paris was just a hop, skip, and a jump (literally) from Liverpool. And, as I may not be the best traveler, I couldn't sit on a plane for that many hours, without seeing the Eiffel Tower!

Amber in London!
Amber in Paris!
My husband and I had an amazing experience in all three cities, as they are each beautiful, unique, and rich with culture and history. And, I did have to catch my breath from the first moment I saw the Eiffel Tower! All this was made possible because of the opportunity MUSE gave me. I honestly did not anticipate winning, but what I feel like I did, was not just win a presentation. I "won" by getting to know the amazing leadership at MUSE. I had the unique opportunity to get to know them and be inspired from who they are; as why they are so passionate about MUSE. I "won" by experiencing the culture of other countries, and realizing that the struggles of other hospitals are quite similar to ours. It doesn't matter if an entire ocean separates us, as we are all trying to do the right thing by merging healthcare with advanced technology. I "won" through networking and continuing to learn from others. We are all on the same journey, though we may take different paths, but we have similar goals and aspirations. I have been privileged, because of MUSE, to be a part of multiple conference calls, webinars, and MUSE website forums.

So, in conclusion, MUSE is "Motivating Us to Strive for Excellence", and Me is "Meaningful Education". By attending a MUSE Conference, you not only have the honor to meet others, but you have the opportunity to learn, to present, to gather information, and to inspire others as you are inspired!

Amber and her co-workers at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital receiving the 2014 IEE Award.
And, I hope that I have inspired you to be confident about sharing your own journeys, especially the ones that are close to your heart. I know in the field of work we are in, some days can be tough, especially as technology advances and the world of healthcare informatics continues to grow. More and more responsibilities and requirements are asked of us, and sometimes, that can wear us down.

However, if you have the opportunity to be involved with MUSE, whether in the states, Canada or "across the pond", you realize that you are not alone. We really are all in this together, and we really do have journeys that can inspire others. And remember, no matter where each of you may be in your own professional growth and development, MUSE, if you allow it, will continue to "Motivate Us to Strive for Excellence". And, aside from your home family, your church family and/or your work family, you will also become a member of the MUSE family … why? Because, “MUSE is ME!”

Are you registered for the upcoming 2015 International MUSE Conference? Details are here: 2015 International MUSE Conference