The Passengers Have Exited ...
Have you ever been the last person to exit a plane? There is a feeling of relief emanating from the crew (and plane) that’s almost audible as you step onto the jet bridge. The sound of a journey complete; the fact that the plane is going to reload and take off again soon is irrelevant – THIS trip is done. This is the embodiment of the feeling in the MUSE world for the month of June. The 2013 International MUSE Conference is a past-tense reference. The passengers have all unloaded and returned to their homes.
So, what did the "passengers" think of this three-day tour? I won’t spew some marketing phrase about the conference being a success. Aside from my biased perspective, that’s also a generalization of an event too broad to be so vaguely summarized. Instead, I will give it to you straight from the horses', err - attendees' mouths. You're welcome.
First of all, probably the best reading on the pulse of conference – the session ratings. According to evaluations, these are the top-rated presentations of the conference (out of more than 250 sessions).
- MEDITECH 5.6.6 Early Adopter Experiences, Adnan Hamid, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
- Nomenclature Mapping with MEDITECH, Joe Grinstead, Cornerstone Advisors
- Intro to Interdisciplinary Discharge and Med/Rec in 5.66, Jessica Chartoff, MEDITECH
- Surviving the CM Audit for Stage 2, Sandy Ebert, Inland Northwest Health Services
- On the Move to Stage 2, John Valutkevich, MEDITECH
- Solving the Problem List, Jenny Capizzi, MEDITECH
- Case Studies in Emergency Department Optimization, Dr. David Whitling, Boulder Community Hospital
- CPOE Curves, Steep Uphills, the Amazing Views and Ultimate Reward of Getting there, Greta Dietrich, Dr. Andy West, and Kim Eldred, Hospital Sister’s Health System and Dearborn Advisors
- CIO Executive Institute
- ICD-10, Reviewing Your Clinical Documentation, Liz Morgan, Consultant People, LP
- Meaningful Use Compliance Audit Manual, Michael Gardner and Chris Blakemore, Cornerstone-Advisors
- Statistics Show 3 out of 2 People are Confused by Rules, Chris Burke and Marjon Pekelharing, Boulder Community Hospital
- CPOE Implementation, Tonya Girdler, Ephraim McDowell Regional Hospital
- Physician Engagement – How Big is the Diamond, Dr. Patrick Sankovitz, Centura Health
- PDOC Usage in a Busy ED, Dr. Robert Schmidt, Centura Health
- Project Management Methodology Smorgasbord, Terri Cahill, Healthtech Consultants
- iPads for Everyone, How to Select the Right Tools for the Job, Linda Hatton, Bloorview Kids Rehab
Next, what did folks think of the overall event?

"I heard a great variety of speakers covering relevant topics at the CIO Executive Institute. There was a strong sense of camaraderie, and a perfect wrap-up by Helen Waters ."
-Kirk Larson, CIO, Childrens Hospital Central California
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference has given me the inspiration to share my story so that others can learn from it. The facilities may not be the same, but the drive and experience of the people presenting gave encouragement in where we all want to go ... to the epitome of excellent patient care. Shirley McGregor, Director of IT, Centura Health
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference was an extremely beneficial forum to network and keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of healthcare IT requirements and regulations." Michael Nolot, Manager, Application Support, Hendricks Community Hospital
'"The interaction with peers and sessions are proven to not only enhance the software functionality at your facility but provide ideals to help end users adjust to the new change." Tressie Banks, Physician Liaison, Laughlin Memorial Hospital
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference was once again a very successful gathering with extremely valuable information exchange and networking. Thank you to all the presenters and attendees for sharing and contributing to the betterment of all." David Baclawski, Senior Systems Analyst/DBA, UHHS/CSAHS-Cuyahoga, Inc.

"All the information is pertinent to what’s happening in my world. That’s why I come to MUSE."
-Sharon Phelps, CIO, West Park Hospital
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference was an excellent opportunity to learn, network, and discover. As always, it was excellent and I look forward to next year." Scott Meyers, IS Director, Cascade Valley Hospital and Clinics
"As a first time attendee, I was very satisfied with everything offered at the 2013 International MUSE Conference. I look forward to attending more MUSE conferences in the future!" Katie Jarick, Application Specialist, Georgian Bay General Hospital

"I attended the CIO Executive Institute. I was most impressed by completeness of the material, all from different aspects, such a well-rounded program."
-Dr. Donnal Walter, CMIO, Arkansas Children's Hospital
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference was one of the most educational experiences that I have had in the last year. It gave me information regarding what my peers are doing in the MEDITECH system and validated much of what our organization is doing and how much we have accomplished." Kathy Owen, Director, Clinical Informatics, Swedish American Health System
"The 2013 International MUSE Conference was an MEANINGFUL experience that gave me USEFUL knowledge that will further improve my professional practise!" Vigneshwaran Cumareshan, Business Applications Analyst, HCA International
So there you have it - the 2013 International MUSE Conference attendee highlights.
And one last thing - here are the top three post-conference questions and answers. Please, for the love of coffee (and the sake of my inbox storage space) read this part. Please.
1) Where are the presentations posted?
The presentations are posted here: Conference Presentations. You need to login to your MUSE profile to access them. If you do not find the presentation you are looking for, it probably has not been posted. Hint - You can also post presentations here by clicking 'add document.'
2) How can I get my CEs for the sessions I attended?
You need to complete the online CE evaluation. You can do that here: CE Survey.
You will then be emailed your certificate, or if you are a pharmacist, your NABP CPE profile will be updated within one week of your completion of the evaluation.
3) Where are the 2013 International MUSE Conference keynote speaker video presentations?
On the MUSE website, in the Members section, select the MUSE Video Channels option. Choose the 2013 International Conference. The videos are also posted on the MUSE homepage:
Until next time, MUSErs!

Next Post … The 5.66 Go-Live - in Real Time - from Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital!
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