Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Common Denominator

My favorite genre of literature is the biography. Thrilling, I know. I am currently reading a biography about Nikola Tesla, but in addition to Tesla’s life, the author of this book explores one common denominator of great people throughout history. Those great people include inventors, musicians, scientists, writers, and artists – those who made history and a lasting impact by creating or discovering. What is that something that all creators and pioneers possess that makes them able to excel?
Is it IQ? Nope, not exclusively.  Upbringing? Certainly not. Finances? Not at all. Personality? Not really.
Give up? Research and studies show that a clear common denominator is imagination!

Most of the things that are a part of your life were once a part of someone else’s imagination. Your iPhone, your favorite song, your car, even Pizza Hut - they only exist because someone imagined them, and then drove that dream into realty.
Yet imagination is more commonly associated with childhood rather than a grown-up tool. If I had a nickel for every time I heard, “Use your imagination” as a child … I would have about $11.65, but you get my point. As adults, I think we look at the imagination as a fanciful, Disney-ish concept, not really a useful entity in day-to-day living.

MUSE friends, you are certainly developing “life’s coming attractions.” You are creating, developing and imagining your way to better healthcare. Reflect about what most of you are doing each day in healthcare IT. Do you ever try to find a better way to do something? Do you work to create a more effective process? Do you think about how something could be possible that is not yet? Maybe not individually (or maybe!) you are all impacting healthcare and stamping your creations in history.

Back to the book I am reading - most of these historical figures also surrounded themselves with others who were working toward the same or similar goals.  Yes, they attended conferences and regularly met with peers. They pooled their imaginations for even better outcomes.

“Creativity is just connecting things.” - Steve Jobs. There is no better catalyst for creating and discovering solutions than to collaborate with others who are on the same path. Connecting with people who encounter similar problems and challenges opens new avenues. As a MUSE member, the International Conference is the premier event for you to connect, create, discover and imagine with your peers.

The 2014 conference includes sessions on just about every topic that a healthcare IT professional in a MEDITECH world could imagine! I challenge you to explore the agenda and not find at least several sessions or topics that directly apply to you. Take a look: 2014 Educational Sessions. Of course, the majority of the value of the conference probably would come from your informal conversation in the hallway with that person who just happens to be doing exactly what you’re doing.

And there is also one major surprise in store for you this year. It’s something that has taken a little bit of imagination to develop – but I hope you will all be thrilled with this new addition. Are you curious? Well, stay tuned!

Coming Soon!

See you in Dallas; come ready to use your imagination!
- Alicia